Artist Directory

Builder of the Church:

Cos­mas Dami­an Asam, painter and archi­tect (+ 1739)

Builder of the monastery:

Fran­cis­can broth­er Philipp Plank (+ 1720)

Construction company:

Michael Wolf von Stadtamhof


Egid Quirin Asam

Marble Works:

Franz Peter Gior­gi­oli, Sebas­t­ian Rot­tfelder and Jakob Kürschner


Vitus Filler, St. Bene­dict fig­ure on the façade, church pews and stuc­co attach­ments on the con­fes­sion­als in the vestibule: Franz Anton Neu from Prüfing

Organ case:

Cas­par Mayr from Stadtamhof


Kon­rad Bran­den­stein from Stadtamhof


Under the direc­tion of the State Office for the Preser­va­tion of Mon­u­ments, the church was ren­o­vat­ed in 1960/62 by expert com­pa­nies and proven restor­ers with the ten­den­cy to restore its orig­i­nal ver­sion, which had been mod­i­fied dur­ing the ren­o­va­tion work of 1874 and 1888 accord­ing to the taste of the time, espe­cial­ly in the col­or com­po­si­tion. In Jan­u­ary 1999 work began on the fig­ur­al group of the high altar in order to restore it to its orig­i­nal ver­sion. They will drag on until 2001.