Monastery shop

Welcome to the monastery shop of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Georg Weltenburg!

In our monastery shop right next to the abbey church we offer you a selec­tion of dif­fer­ent items:

  • Bible edi­tions
  • spir­i­tu­al and the­o­log­i­cal literature
  • pic­ture books
  • Books for chil­dren and young readers
  • gift books
  • gift and greet­ing cards
  • post­cards
  • rosaries
  • Wood carv­ings, icons, bronze art and oth­er reli­gious art items
  • Can­dles for all sorts of occa­sions: chris­ten­ing and wed­ding candles,
  • dec­o­ra­tive can­dles made by hand
  • reli­gious jew­el­ry made of sil­ver, gold, stain­less steel and oth­er materials
  • incense
  • Beers from the Wel­tenburg monastery brew­ery with the right glass­es, mugs, etc.
  • Wel­tenburg monastery liqueur and monastery bit­ters and oth­er monas­tic distillates
  • sou­venirs
  • and much more

We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you to our monastery shop.

P. Lukas M. Steine­brun­ner OSB and team.


Bene­dic­tine Abbey of Wel­tenburg His­to­ry and art

Lothar Alt­mann, Stephanie Haar­län­der, Thomas M. Frei­hart OSB
Regens­burg 2019. Soft­cov­er with flaps, 17x24 cm. 96 pages
with 67 col­or illus­tra­tions, 1 s/2 illus­tra­tion, 1 floor plan, 1 elevation

The ven­er­a­ble Bene­dic­tine monastery at Wel­tenburg at the begin­ning of the wild­ly roman­tic break­through of the Danube through the Fran­con­ian Jura owes its cur­rent rep­u­ta­tion above all to its baroque church of Euro­pean stand­ing. The painter and archi­tect Cos­mas Dami­an Asam (1688–1739), who designed the build­ing, and his broth­er Egid Quirin (1692–1750), who worked here as a sculp­tor and plas­ter­er, equipped the church into a baroque total work of art.

The medieval his­to­ri­an Dr. Stephanie Haar­län­der sheds light on the leg­endary ear­ly his­to­ry of the monastery and out­lines its his­to­ry up to the present. The art his­to­ri­an Dr. Lothar Alt­mann reports on the his­to­ry of the build­ing and fur­nish­ings of the monastery and church, describes the loca­tion and lay­out of the monastery and explains the archi­tec­ture and fur­nish­ings of the Asam Church. A digres­sion is also ded­i­cat­ed to the pil­grim­age church U. L. Frau on the Frauen­berg. Abbot Thomas M. Frei­hart OSB presents Bene­dic­tine life in Wel­tenburg today. Short biogra­phies of the artists and crafts­men work­ing in Wel­tenburg as well as exten­sive ref­er­ences to lit­er­a­ture com­plete the rich­ly illus­trat­ed vol­ume. The pho­tos were recre­at­ed by the well-known Munich pho­tog­ra­ph­er Achim Bunz.

ISBN 978–3‑7954–43460‑1
ISBN 978–3‑7954–43441‑0 English

EUR 9.95

Wel­tenburg Monastery
His­to­ry and present

Edit­ed by Georg Schwaiger
Weißen­horn 2014. Linen with dust jack­et. 21.5x22.5cm. 528 pages
With 248 most­ly col­or plate illustrations.


ISBN 978–3‑87437–472‑9

EUR 29.90


cof­fee and espresso

In the restau­rants of the Wel­tenbruger Kloster­be­triebe GmbH we serve cof­fee spe­cial­ties from Din­zler. So that you can take some of this top qual­i­ty cof­fee home with you or bring it to your friends and acquain­tances, we offer you both the espres­so and the cof­fee blend in our monastery shop.


Avail­able as whole beans or ground.

250 g l EUR 6,90

Ara­bi­ca beans from South and Cen­tral Amer­i­ca were com­bined with top African cof­fees for the espres­so we serve. Strong in aro­ma and strong in taste, the mag­a­zine Der Fein­schmeck­er vot­ed this extra­or­di­nary blend the best espres­so in Germany.


Our cof­fee is based on a bal­anced blend of Colom­bian cof­fees. It is char­ac­ter­ized by a mild acid­i­ty, a soft and fine aro­ma and a strong, round taste.

Avail­able as whole beans or ground.

250 g l EUR 6.90

The labels are dec­o­rat­ed with the artist broth­ers Egid Quirin and Cos­mas Dami­an Asam, as depict­ed in our monastery church. We hope that while enjoy­ing our cof­fee spe­cial­ties you will think back to a beau­ti­ful day in Wel­tenburg Abbey with its Asam Church, the Danube Gorge and one of the most beau­ti­ful beer gar­dens in Bavaria, or that you can make your friends and acquain­tances hap­py with this small souvenir.

opening hours

10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tues­day to Sunday
11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

Christ­mas Eve (Decem­ber 24th) and Christ­mas Day (Decem­ber 25th)

Sub­ject to change

Wel­tenburg­er Kloster­be­triebe GmbH
Monastery shop & bookstore
Asam­strasse 32
93309 Kelheim
Tele­phone +49 9441 204–0