
The bells I — III come from the Otto bell foundry, Hemelin­gen near Bre­men, 1948. Their patrons are St. Bene­dict, St. Georgius and the Holy Guardian Angel.

I.g’ + 2. “The devi­a­tions from the tones of tem­pered tem­pera­ment typ­i­cal of bells are giv­en in six­teenths of a semi­tone. The ref­er­ence tone is a’ = 435 Hz.” (Kurt Kramer in “The Bell and its Ring­ing”), Ø 102 cm, approx. 650 kg, wood­en yoke, hourly strike of the clock.
Inscrip­tion: 547 PAX 1947 JUBILATE DEO, effi­gy: “St. Benedict.”

II.a’ + 4, Ø 90.5 cm, approx. 500 kg inscrip­tion; ESTOTE FORTES IN BELLO – Be stead­fast in bat­tle, effi­gy: St. George

III. h’ + 4, Ø 80 cm, approx. 320 kg. Inscrip­tion: ANGELUS DEI VOBISCUM EST – The angel of God is with you. Image: A guardian angel.

IV. Cast in 1642 by Georg Schelchshorn in Regens­burg, d” – 3, Ø 71.5 cm, approx. 250 kg. Quar­ter hour strike of the clock. Inscrip­tions: Two lines on the shoul­der: CAMPANAM ISTAM FIERI CVRAVIT MATTHIAS ABBAS IN WELTENBVRG ANNO MDCXLII (Abbot Matthias in Wel­tenburg caused this bell to be cast in 1642). GEORG SCHELCHSHORN FROM REGENSBVRG GOS ME — AVS DEM FEVER FLOS ME
(In a 1986 art guide, the bell is erro­neous­ly list­ed as “no longer in exis­tence” under the artists’ and crafts­men’s names — Schelchshorn.)

Audio sam­ple of the bells, CD Donauk­löster Wel­tenburg, Met­ten, Nieder­al­taich, avail­able in the monastery shop